More is better…..right?????   Well, maybe not always.  I realized years ago, that I have most definitely got my father’s tendency to go overboard when I’m excited about something.   Thus, the new ponies in the barn.  (yea for ponies!)

Moderation is good, I think, but in moderate amounts.  I’m sorry, but I know too many people who have no interests or hobbies.  No passion for life, no enthusiasm for something they love or are interested in.  I truly believe that God wishes for us to enjoy the life that he has given us and the things he has created for us!  What sparks you?  What makes you smile or talk a little louder?  Do that!  Enjoy it!


Contrary to what my husband believes, I only have 2 goats.  However, those goats have some goats……..image

Meet my second goat;  Fanny.  She is an Alpine goat, which in my opinion, is one of the most beautiful breeds.   Fanny is precocious, outgoing…..and naughty.


Fanny owns two goats; The Twins.  Their names are Jimmy Dean and Myra….and they are naughty.

“Huh???????  why do you tell people that??”image

I think this kid needs a job…….

Ketchup #2

The Ponies!!  Don’t let them hear you call them that though, because they are technically miniature horses.


They are all mares and were supposedly bred to a mini black and white paint stud.  Just from looking at a couple of them, it was doubtful that they were bred, due to their body condition….but I still bit.


Guess what????  Not a single one of them was bred.  Add to that;  all except one were impossible to catch–as in I’m genuinely terrified of you, don’t come anywhere near me!


Now before you all start trying to unload your “ocean front property” on me, let me speak in my defense;  I do believe that the horses were sold in good faith to me.  The lady I bought them from had only owned them a very short time, but had to sell them because of unexpected circumstances.  She did offer me some money back.


So what are the lessons that I have learned from “The Pony Purchase”?

#1-  I  absolutely love miniature horses!

#2- If you are in the horse business, you are eventually going to run into a Horse Trader!

#3- Beware of Horse Traders!

#4- I LOVE miniature horses!image


Ketchup #1

I guess the best place to start off is the Great Demo of last winter.  We owned an abandoned school building that sat basically in our back yard.  While it was somewhat of a landmark, it was also becoming an eyesore and a hazard.  image

With his usual optimistic style, my husband said it wouldn’t be “that big of a deal”  to tear it down and put up a much needed machinery shed.


Hmmm.  It kinda seemed like a big deal to the rest of us, but…..


they kept at it, worked and worked and didn’t stop until the building was down, the rubble burned, buried or hauled off.


The new shed was started by a local crew who also had to show perseverance; shortly after this photo, a windstorm blew some of the framework down.  Good ol Kansas winds are always a factor.

It was spring before the project was finished, but now we have a new shed that enhances our farm and I came away with yet more admiration for my husband, who once again didn’t quit until the job was finished!